~ President Armand Gutierrez ~

April is here and this usually means the end of a ski season and the start of baseball, biking, hiking, camping, golf, and other spring activities. My last visit to Tahoe was at the end of March, with many people calling it “Magical March” because Mother Nature indeed blessed the Tahoe region with a good snowfall and fresh powder!

BAC recognizes NSC! Although the Sun Peaks trip has passed, the April BAC Newsletter is showcasing our Sun Peaks trip. You can view it here :  BAC0414newsletter .

Board Nominations/Elections

At our March board meeting we discussed the upcoming nominations/elections for the next season. Although our policies provide for nominations/elections, it has become apparent that this process has not been fully implemented in the past few years. There have been no nominations or write-ins and then the election slate is comprised of just the incumbents. Although being on the board is strictly a volunteer effort we’ve managed to retain the current board members for several seasons due to their commitment to running the club. Well, it appears that the 2014-15 season is no different and the current board members have all indicated they would serve again and that nominations/elections would not be formally held this year.  However, we do encourage all of you to be more active members by serving on the board or tour leading a ski trip or other activity. It would be reasonable to assume that some members might want to be nominated or elected. Therefore, if anyone has an interest in joining the board for the next season then just drop a note to any of the current board members.

Code of Conduct for NSC

I’ve been participating in several FWSA functions over the past few years, including their international ski week trips, and as I learn more about how FWSA functions, I noticed that they have a Code of Conduct (CoC) that attendees of their ski trips must abide by. I discussed this with an FWSA member and she told me that the Code of Conduct was put in place so that all members that are part of a FWSA-sponsored event would adhere to the Code of Conduct and any “bad behavior” that could reflect negatively on FWSA could result in being barred from any future FWSA-sponsored events. Although NSC is comprised of good-natured people that are willing to help others and exemplify good behavior on NSC-sponsored trips, the board came to the conclusion that perhaps we should adopt our own Code of Conduct to ensure that all members are aware that any “bad behavior” that could reflect negatively on NSC could result in being barred from NSC-sponsored events. Brian Hess is working on a draft proposal, patterned after the FWSA CoC, and the board will be reviewing it at future board meetings. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding an NSC Code of Conduct please contact me (  president@niseiskiclub.org ) or any board member.