Hoyt Nelson, Vice-President

Every year we ask the membership to nominate prospective members to fill the board of directors for the next  fiscal year (which starts 1 June).  The offices are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, trip director, membership director, newsletter editor and board member(s) at-large to act as “floater” to help the board as needed.   Do you know another member who has not volunteered, but who would be a good candidate?  See if they are willing to run, or let us know and we will be glad to talk with them.   You can also nominate yourself.    We are looking for people just like you who can make this club even better.  It doesn’t take all that much time since the process of running the club has recently been streamlined.  The board decides when to meet (about 10 times per year) and rotates meeting locations to spread travel evenly.  Also note that annual dues are waived for all board members.

Are you a bit cautious to step up?  Here’s a chance to break out. Do think you have nothing to offer to the club?  Be assured we can find many worthwhile opportunities for you to help.

The duties of board members are as follows:

NSC President

The President presides at all meetings to supervise and direct the club’s affairs, appointing committees as necessary. He/She maintains inter-club relationships, prepares the annual club budget, and administers club operations of club matters via budgets and policies.

NSC Vice-President

The Vice-President advises the president and stays current on administrative matters so that he can take over all duties of the President when necessary, He is an advisor member of all committees and assists in the transition of the new board at the end of the fiscal year. He supervises the election of the NSC Board for the new fiscal year. He/She also promotes and coordinates non-ski events and ensures they meet the club requirements

NSC Treasurer

The Treasurer is the custodian of the club funds. He/She keeps an account of receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall disburse funds and bill accounts receivable as ordered by the Board of Directors, render whenever requested, the financial condition of the club, prepare a financial report and submit the necessary reports to the State Franchise Tax Board and the Internal Revenue Service

NSC Trip Director

The Trip Director shall coordinate transportation, lodging, Tour Leader selection, and trip cancellation with the club’s “Travel Arranger”. The Trip Director shall plan and administer all club weekend ski trips. Tour Leader Guidelines and all club winter equipment and supplies shall be maintained by the Trip Director. The Trip Director shall maintain and update Tour Leader Guidelines.

NSC Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor shall coordinate the publication and distribution of the newsletter and SPAM to the membership. The Editor prepares a budget, sets up guidelines for submission of flyers and articles, and publicizes club events through the newsletter and emails. The Editor coordinates email distribution and web publication in coordination with the NSC Webmaster.

NSC Membership Chairperson

The Membership Chairperson shall be responsible for coordinating activities that promote membership in the club and for maintaining the membership roster. This includes contacting other organizations, updating the membership brochure, coordinate sending of the welcome letter to new members, maintain a list of non-members who have attended past events or non-renewed members to publicize club events, and advise the Board on matters relating to membership.

NSC Board Member

The Board Member represents the club in voting on club matters, promotes, supports and assists at club events, and shows hospitality to all participants of events, especially those new to the club.


In a few days you will receive an e-mail from SurveyMonkey with a link to an election ballot form (unique to you, so please don’t  share your ballot with anyone else). Filling out the form should be intuitive. SurveyMonkey will remind you if it doesn’t receive your timely response.  Please look for this e-mail and think about who to nominate. Send any questions to elections@niseiskiclub.org.  We look forward to hearing from you.