by Armand Gutierrez

Welcome to the Chinese Year of the White Rat! Yes, the Chinese New Year starts January 25th and Rat Years are believed to be the unluckiest for people born in previous Rat years (1924, 1936, 1948…). Are you one of them?

A Bear Encounter

Just before Christmas I was skiing up in Tahoe with my friends Teresa and Warren Miller (no, not the famous Warren Miller). After dinner, Warren and I took his spirited dog, Lucy, for her usual walk around the neighborhood.  As we went around the block and up the next street, Lucy started barking and became very excited. As we proceeded up the block Lucy continued barking and we soon saw why. There in front of us, about 20 yards, was a black bear roaming the neighborhood in search of food. This was not a cub, nor was it full grown, but nevertheless we decided to turn around and walk back to the house, leaving the bear to do what he does best. A bear in the woods? Not exactly, we were only a few blocks from Spindelshanks in the heart of Kings Beach. Bear sightings in this area are not uncommon; several cars have been broken into in search of food.

Whistler Ski Week 2020

The Whistler trip is almost here and hopefully you’ve been able to get some ski days in before the trip. If not, there are still a few more weeks available. The Whistler Orientation meeting will be held on SaturdayJanuary 18th (a change from the 11th, see Karen’s article below.). This will be an opportunity to meet other members on the trip, socialize a bit, and pick-up the souvenir gift. The Whistler pamphlet will be distributed by email since the Orientation meeting and our trip departure are very close. An Evite has been sent out that provides all the details. If you didn’t receive an Evite then let me know at Also, Karen Soo is coordinating the potluck dinner and has sent out an email listing your condo mates so you can get a head start on putting together your potluck menu.