by Armand Gutierrez, President

As we bid farewell to 2020 and usher in 2021, do you have any great expectations for the New Year? I could name a few: returning to the gym for my exercise regimen, dining at my favorite restaurants, and getting together with family and friends. Everyone is looking at the COVID vaccine as the light at the end of the tunnel (and, hopefully, not the light of an oncoming train), but our return to what we consider “normal” will still take some time.

The ski season is upon us and an abundance of those magical water crystals that descend from heaven beckons the hard-core skiers and riders to experience what Mother Nature has provided. Whether you decide to pass on this season or venture out for some schussing or shredding, staying safe is the mantra of the season.

Karen Soo, our resident chef, hosted a Thai Cooking demonstration via Zoom on Saturday, 5 December. There were 45+ would-be chefs that tuned-in to catch her demonstration. See her write-up for details.

Our NSC Happy Hour last month was well attended with about 13-15 people. Since Zoom puts a maximum of 25 attendees per page our group didn’t spill over to multiple pages and that made it easier to talk with everyone without switching pages. Since everyone had a good time talking and meeting, perhaps we can schedule another Happy Hour in January or February, so stay tuned.

QotM: Innovation without specific need is of no value.