by Armand Gutierrez, President

Are the Hot August Days and Nights going to extend into September? Much of that depends on how quickly the raging infernos in Northern California and the Sierra foothills can be extinguished and let Nature’s air conditioner roll in and bring that cool, moist, onshore winds to clear our smoky skies. As we do roll into September it’s time to think about the upcoming ski season and what to expect in terms of pandemic-related restrictions.

NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic

The NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic took place on Sunday, 29 August and was well attended, and we were blessed with a comfortable, mild afternoon with just a hint of a breeze. As usual, there was a variety of cuisine that would satisfy the most discriminating palates.

National Ski Council Federation Report (NSCF)

The National Ski Council Federation ( was formally established in 1999, and consists of the largest 30 ski councils in the United States and boasts a total membership of approximately 300,000 snow sports enthusiasts. Our local Bay Area Ski Council (BAC) is a member of the NSCF.

In June I attended the NSCF meeting, via Zoom, and picked up the latest information from various ski resorts, ski-related industries, and travel organizations. See the accompanying article for details on what was discussed regarding the upcoming ski season.

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, CO

The Steamboat trip is fully booked, and a waitlist has been created for one late-signer and possible additional signups. And at our annual picnic there were several members that expressed an interest in going on the trip.

Steamboat is on the Ikon Pass, and is also good for Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Steamboat trip:

  • Purchase an Ikon Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $30 trip discount for an Ikon Base Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Ikon Pass.
    • Go to this link to purchase: :
    • The Ikon Base Pass is good for five days skiing at Steamboat.
  • Purchase an Epic Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $30 trip discount for an Epic Local Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Epic Pass
    • Go to this link to purchase:
    • Epic passes cannot be used at Steamboat.
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination trip discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at

QotM: Followers want to be liked; leaders don’t give a damn – Ed Alzate.