contributed by Tina Woo

San Jose Taiko will be having a free “How-to-make-a-bucket-taiko” class at 1-2pm on Wednesday, Sept 2. You can access the class by using the Zoom link below. No need to register for this class; just click on the Zoom link next Wednesday at 1pm. You will need a 5-gallon bucket or similarly sized plastic trash can OR a sturdy cardboard box (and 2 pairs flat disposable chopsticks if you’re using a box) OR an old tire; a roll of packing or strapping tape, and scissors. 

Click to join the Zoom class:

Passcode: 417649Meeting ID: 812 3889 1955

Simply clicking on the above link should get you into the class. If it doesn’t, and it asks for more info, I have listed all of the class info at the bottom of the email.

In lieu of a taiko, you can use buckets, tires, or trash cans that have been covered with tape to mimic a drum head. Examples are here, and instructions are here.  Other things that work:

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 812 3889 1955 Passcode: 417649

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Meeting ID: 812 3889 1955 Passcode: 417649

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